We have been having fun with metamorphosis this summer and the focus today was ladybugs! Who knew they were so complex?
*First we read the book we borrowed from the library the aptly named "Lady bugs" by Mia Posada
*Then we did a lady bug metamorphosis flow chart:Eggs,larva,molt,larva,molt,pupa,ladybug!
( coulda prepped that one a little better, the kids were a little bored while I cut out the shapes for them to glue)
*Made lady bug pins
*Went outside to find lady bugs (1 alive, 2 with ended lifespans)
*found a leaf that the eggs would of hatched on, a stone the pupa would attached itself to
*And made lady bug puppets with felt, my amateur sewing skills,and sticks. This was definitely the crowd pleaser!
Put it all together than found a couple of great you tube videos to watch when they got up after nap :)
It was a fun project and the kids really loved it, and best of all, we ALL thought it was interesting!
I am going to ask Jess to learn the lady bug song on the guitar :)
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