Monday, November 9, 2009

Be a free bird

I've always been a pretty orderly person,but I've held on to things... and stuff, mementos, birthday cards, letters, gifts I was given and never wanted but felt too guilty to give away...

Then I started to get into Feng Shui*. Now I am Free Bird. I keep only what is practical or brings me joy. A friend once even said to me, everything in your house is only just enough. Just enough artwork on the walls, just the right sized coffee cup, just the right amount of furniture to sit in.This doesn't mean my home is bare and cold. It has just been organized using clear intentions.

I suggest to you, look in your closets, look in your drawers. With the holidays coming up it is a great time to ditch what doesn't serve you. Give it to Goodwill or a friend. Some people even box it up and sell it on ebay. And when you start, you won't be able to stop. It feels that good!

There are all these "things" in our lives that can bring a person down- a beloved mug with a broken handle you've never fixed or an old article of clothing that you once loved but never wear any more. Everyday you glance at these items and it does something to you. It's not even something that you may be consciously aware of. It barely registers, but its THERE, in the back of our heads. Fix this, organize that, I should still fit into that...

The first truckload (that's right truckload) I got rid of gave me a sinking feeling as soon as I dropped it all off.What if I needed one of those items? What if I regret it? And you know what? I didn't and I don't.Everything I own is now more beautiful and valuable to me now. Because I've made a conscious decision to keep it. And now when I bring something into my home I make sure I know where it's going to go or how I'm going to use it.

I've found that when I work to make more space in my home, I have more space in my life. It has been an exercise in letting go. My intention in sharing this with you is that you can achieve this same sense of liberation, starting with one drawer at a time. You have the ability to surround yourself with only things that make you feel happy. Be a FREE BIRD!

* "Clear your clutter with Feng Shui", by Karen Kingston got me started!


  1. you have been an inspiration to me, and help me be mindful many times of what I bring into my home. I can't say I do it all the time, certainly far from perfectly, but the very fact that I do it at all is a tribute to you and your lovely peaceful home that you have created. love you! your mom

  2. Hello honey! in additon to my continuous efforts to get stuff out of my home/life i started bringing a bag around the house when i pick up, as my mother always callled it. how easy is that! I have a Halloween decoration box. As i' was puttingm stuff away i see (again)a number of my son's young art which is the most difficult to put in the recycling or whatever. any thoughts?

  3. Aunt Suzanne I would try and make a scrap book of his art work if I were you, and get your sisters and girlfriends to join you! It's a really fun group project and a great excuse to have wine and chocolate :) And down the road you can pass it on to him when he starts his own family.
