Of course she isn't actually in the house yet. Apparently it takes a large effort, wheeled dollies, strong backs and a sense of adventure to move a Piano. Professionals advise against it...But the quote for moving the instrument more than quadruples what we paid for it soooo...we're leaving it to the nonprofessionals and hoping for the best.
On Saturday night I went and saw my VERY talented brother-in-law READ MCNAMARA* playing with a band he's a part of, Erica Brown and the Bluegrass Connection. Seeing them smile at each other and radiate pure joy playing their instruments made me so thankful we've found our Piano.If I can give my children the opportunity to experience that kind of musical zen evident with those blue grassers ( who have all been playing something or other since they were very young) then I will be happy. And Jess take and I plan on taking Piano and singing lessons too! ( Which will be great for me since the drums didn't pan out :)
So anyway wish us luck!
*he's the handsome one playing the banjo with a huge smile on his face!He's been playing with Erica for about 6 yrs now. check them out on youtube or www.ericabrownonline.com