When I completed my Massage and Polarity training the instructors asked all of the students to write them selves a letter of positive affirmations for the coming year which they would send to us in exactly a years time. I did, and when I received it in the mail a year later, everything I had written had come to fruition.
This is an empowering exercise that brings clarity and focus to the next year of your life.I encourage you to write yourself this letter, seal it in a dated envelope, and store it with your holiday decor not to be opened until the following year. Or staple it to back of the December page of your 2010 calender.
Some examples from my letter this year:
I Affirm I support my body through practicing Yoga twice a week.
I Affirm myself and my family live in abundant health.
I Affirm I am playful
I Affirm I am patient, kind, and compassionate with myself and others.
I Affirm I am taking a overnight trip to the New England Aquarium with my husband and children.
The key is to use "I am" as opposed to "I will", or "I'm trying". Be specific. If you write it with the intention that it is already happening, it is.
Cheers and Many Blessings to you in 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Mandy for all you give to me and others, as always you give me great ideas.